Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yuuki ~ Sekai de Hachibanme no Tatakai ni Katta Otoko no Monogatari

to comprehend the value of one year,
just ask the student who failed their exams.
to comprehend the value of one month,
just ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
to comprehend the value of one week,
just ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
to comprehend the value of one hour,
just ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
to comprehend the value of one minute,
just ask the people who missed their stop on the train.
to comprehend the value of one second,
just ask the person who managed to avoid an accident just in time.
to comprehend the value of tenth of a second,
just ask the person who ended up with a silver medal at the Olympics.'
The hands of the clock will continue ticking. Therefore, treasure every moment you have and treat today as the utmost gift you'll have
yah..ini advice *ngambil dari film* buat hari ini..T_T
jadi kepengen nonton filmnya~cuma belom tau dimana bisa donlodnya..>_
tapi semua yang pernah nonton bilang doramanya bagus banget, dan sangat menginspirasi!makanya, HARUS NONTON!!
padahal film yang dimainkan Kame-sama ini udah rilis sejak 2006 lalu, telat mulu gue ya~ =.=a

*sinopsisnya gw kasih lain kali ya~ lagi sedih (halah)*haha..

-Keep Shine Like HIKARI-


  1. nonton di mysoju.com aja., klo nggak beli DVD nya aja...
    aku dah nonton ni film berkali-kali dan tetep terharu klo nntn..^^

  2. makasi infonya..
    aku udah dapet sih..tapi baru ak tonton setengah~hehehe xp
    belom sampe endingnya..takut nangis darah xD
